A few months ago, I got locked out of my blog, as I was trying to harden it against hackers and spammers. In some ways, it serves me right for not putting the protections on to start with, and letting myself get flustered by the various plugins, widgets and tools that are available for WordPress. As someone who worked in IT for many years, I should have known better. This time, I have hardened the blog (a bit) before I started and left myself more options. Hopefully, that should be enough.

Last time I was blogging, I focussed on the games that I was running, both on Rpol.net and tabletop. Now, I intend to concentrate on the new game setting that I am building. I use blog posts to refine ideas, as I find writing them for an audience (no matter how limited) helps me structure my thoughts and spot holes in my own arguments. I will also blog on systems that I create, perhaps even some maps, plans, and city designs.

Before long, I’ll work out how to turn comments on and how to let subscribers add themselves. For now, if you want to comment, you will have to contact me some other way, so that I can add you manually. It is good to be back. I think … 🙂